New Real Estate Agents: How to Kick Off Your Career with Guest Kimberly Childs (pt. 3)

coaching podcast Mar 30, 2022

Welcome back to part three of our five-part series on how to kick off (or grow) your real estate business. This episode is for you if you’re a brand new agent, agents coming off a tough year, or if you relocated from a different market.

If you missed the last two episodes, catch up here:

Part 1 → New Real Estate Agents: How to Kick Off Your Career (Part 1)

Part 2 → New Real Estate Agents: How to Kick Off Your Career (Part 2)

Today’s guest is Kimberly Childs. Kimberly became a Real Estate Agent in 2015 upon her transition from the active Army and is a Certified Military Residential Specialist servicing veterans across Maricopa County. She shares how (and why) she transitioned into real estate.

Kimberly discusses the pivotal point early in her career when she realized she needed additional support. She was getting overwhelmed, thinking she could do it all herself, working 14 hour days that never ended.

Continuing from the last two episodes, the 3rd most important thing you need to have to kickstart your real estate career is “precrastinator”.

Wait, what?! Yes, a PREcrastinator (not a procrastinator). Precrastinating is the act of charging forward with the quickest action. You don’t hesitate, you just do it.

Listen in as Kimberly gives examples of precrastinating and how it’s helped her boost her business.

Be sure to join us next week as we share another strategy to help you kick off your real estate career.

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